11879 E Main St.
Huntley, IL 60142
The Naturally McHenry County Visitor Center is conveniently located just over 3 miles off of exit 47 on I-90 you will find the Naturally McHenry County Visitor Center. Our visitor center is filled with brochures and visitor information for a variety of McHenry County businesses.
The Visitor Center is located inside the Hackett House. The Hackett House is believed to have been constructed in 1890. While the building's very earliest history is unknown, in approximately 1910, the building became known as the "Hackett House", the name being derived from Mrs. Emma B. Hackett who resided there. At the time, the term "house" served as a common shorthand reference to a boarding house, somewhat similar to today's hotels.
The Village of Huntley, as part of its Downtown Revitalization Program acquired the property in 2013 and constructed extensive period-appropriate renovations in 2014 and 2015. The building now serves as hom eto Naturally McHenry County for use as the Mchenry County Visitor Center.